
Hello, my name is Adebanji Adewumi, and I am an integral part of the NEXTBAT project, representing Heart Aerospace. Our mission at Heart Aerospace is to advance aviation technology through innovative and sustainable solutions. In the NEXTBAT project, I focus on ensuring that our battery prototypes meet the stringent requirements of the aerospace industry.

My role in NEXTBAT

WP1: Choice of Technology, Requirements, Performances, and Safety

In Work Package 1 (WP1), we meticulously choose the technology and set the requirements, performance benchmarks, and safety standards necessary for aerospace applications. This foundational step is crucial as it lays the groundwork for the development of robust and reliable battery systems tailored for the aerospace sector.

WP2: System Design and Prototyping

Work Package 2 (WP2) involves the detailed design and prototyping of battery systems. Our goal is to create prototypes that not only meet but exceed the aerospace industry’s high standards. This phase is essential for translating theoretical designs into tangible, functional prototypes.

WP4: Electronics and Hardware for Battery Management Systems (BMS)

In Work Package 4 (WP4), we focus on the electronics and hardware for Battery Management Systems (BMS). The BMS is a critical component that ensures the safety, efficiency, and longevity of the battery systems. Our work in this package aims to develop state-of-the-art BMS solutions that can handle the demanding conditions of aerospace applications.

WP6: Testing, Validation, and Road Map to Certification

Testing and validation are vital steps in Work Package 6 (WP6). Here, we rigorously test our prototypes to ensure they meet all performance and safety standards. Additionally, we develop a clear road map to certification, ensuring that our batteries are fully compliant with aerospace regulations and ready for integration into real-world applications.

Ensuring Aerospace Standards

My primary role is to support the assessment of whether the aerospace requirements are being fulfilled throughout the NEXTBAT project. This is a critical aspect, as it ensures that the developed battery prototypes are suitable for aerospace usage. Ensuring compliance with aerospace standards guarantees that our solutions are both innovative and practical for real-world application.

“Look after the process and the score will take care of itself.” – Bill Walsh

Personal Interests

Outside of my professional life, I enjoy hiking, playing chess, and engaging in table tennis on weekends. These activities help me stay balanced and focused, providing a well-rounded approach to both my work and personal life.

Moving Forward

As we advance with the NEXTBAT project, our objective remains steadfast: to develop cutting-edge battery technologies that meet the high demands of the aerospace industry. The collaboration between research centers, industrial partners, and Heart Aerospace is pivotal to our success.

Find out more about the project on our social media: LinkedIn and Twitter

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